Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another blog site... maybe I'll get it together

So this is my 3rd Blogger website, and I think this one will definitely stick. I hope so. I really hope so. This one is going to track time spent on one of my oldest hobbies, video-games. I guess it's stupid to track time spent on video-games, but it does put my life in perspective. Have you ever done something all your life, without knowing how long you've been doing it? I was in Japan and during introductions amongst new friends you always talking about hobbies. One guy said tennis, for 13 years. Another girl said piano, for 8 years. A German guy actually said he enjoyed soccer, but only watching. When it was my turn, it was odd, because I'm the type of guy that floats from one hobby to another. I ended up saying Video-games. The one thing that I've been "doing" since I was nine-years-old. Yeah, that's right, it was 1989 and I was playing the Nintendo. My 19 year old journey has lead me to the Nintendo Wii. All those hours spent on it, if I had to count... well I can't. That's why there's this site.

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