Saturday, January 9, 2010

2009 - A year in review

Well let's face it, 2009 was in fact a year that I didn't play much compared to my usual. I guess that's a good thing. I got a PS3 in the last quarter of the year and started playing what I missed out on in the last four years. There were some games that I found interesting, but most of them were just eye-candy to me. I do find the wireless controllers a good and bad thing. The good is the controller works just as good as a wired one without the wire; the bad thing is that charging it is such a hassle because it doesn't charge when the PS3 is turned off. I use my iPod charger to charge it at times because the usb cord is too short for me. I am working on my Street Fighter 4 skills, but I doubt I can get good beyond Ken and Ryu. I started playing Resistance 2 and inFamous, but they're just keeping me busy in time for GT5 and FF13.

But anyway, in short, last year was a year of Shin Tegami Tensei. I started playing Persona 3 in the spring, Persona 4 in the Autumn, and now I'm almost done with Devil Summoner. They're great games and everyone should give them a try.

Here's a short recap of the games that I beat in 2009:
  1. Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI (PC) - 45 hrs
  2. Puzzle Quest (DS) - 50 hrs
  3. Rogue Galaxy (PS2) - 65 hrs 16 mins
  4. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) - 22 hrs 53 mins
  5. Culdcept (DS) - 30 hrs
  6. Persona 3: FES (PS2) - 111 hrs 41 mins
  7. Google's Monopoly Streets (PC) - 50 hrs
  8. Persona 4 (PS2) - 82 hrs 13 mins
*the write-up for Culdcept DS is taking longer than I thought. I keep playing it from time to time still.

I guess that's about 513 hours used on video-games last year. Hopefully I'll write more in 2010. My list of games that I didn't beat in 2009 includes: Shining Force Neo, Final Fantasy A2 (DS), Fire Emblem (Wii), Professor Layton and the Curious Village, God of War, Puzzle Quest: Galaxies, and numerous little DS games that I just start and forget all about.

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